Mercedes Sosa The Voice of Hope

Last Updated on March 30, 2023 by ellen

There are some people in our lives that inspire us to be our best or overcome challenges. I know that I’ve had several throughout my life, and you probably have too. Mercedes Sosa The Voice of Hope by Anette ChristensenToday I got to learn more about a woman many find inspirational. 

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Mercedes Sosa The Voice of Hope by Anette Christensen

The Argentine singer, social activist and folk-heroine, Mercedes Sosa, was an artist whose impact went far beyond the borders of music. Using her voice to fight South Americas’ dictators in the 1970’s, she became an icon of democracy and known as “The Voice of the Voiceless.” Her socially committed music and her outstanding authenticity made her a role-model for millions of fans and a much-loved mother of an entire continent.

What is it that made her so loved and her music so powerful that she made governments tremble? Why did Joan Baez kneel to kiss her feet after a performance? What was the secret behind the “mystical presence” that captivated her audiences for decades?

Mercedes Sosa The Voice of Hope charts Sosa’s remarkable life and career and provides a psychological profile that reveals how Sosa’s upbringing, the political environment of her time and her personal afflictions formed her character, her stance, and her music and led to her enormous impact. Besides being a personal profile of the singer and a chronicle of Latin American music, history and politics, the author shares how her encounter with Mercedes Sosa transformed her life.

My thoughts

I wasn’t familiar with Mercedes Sosa before I began reading this book, but I was familiar with many of the political upheavals in South America because I’ve always been fascinated with Evita Peron. Through reading this story, I learned who Mercedes Sosa was and how she inspired so many people. But, I also had the chance to learn more about Evita Peron and her role.

The first half of the book is the story of Mercedes Sosa from her birth through her death. I found the story to be completely fascinating, and I’m in awe of how much she accomplished in her life. The second half of the book is the author’s story about why she finds Mercedes Sosa so important and how she has been inspired by her life and her works.  Not only was this story an informative read, I found it very inspirational. I can completely understand why the author feels such a connection to her and why others would as well.

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