Power Blend Popsicles Beat the Heat

Last Updated on April 9, 2022 by ellen

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You are going to love these Power Blend Popsicles! The temperatures have been crazy here lately and popsicles are the perfect way to cool down without a lot of added sugar and fat. When you create fruit-based popsicles, you really do not need to add any type of sweetener. Fruit is sweet enough on its own and the kids will love these.

ower Blend Popsicles Beat the Summer Heat

Power Blend Popsicles

What makes healthy popsicles are the ingredients you put into them. There’s no need to buy popsicles at the store with questionable ingredients. It’s simple enough to make your own at home. That way, you can be sure that you trust the ingredients. You will need a popsicle mold. I really like the star-shaped mold. The Nuby Garden molds are perfect for babies 6 months and up and are awesome for teething.

When you make homemade popsicles, it’s very easy to change up the ingredients. If you have fresh strawberries from when you went strawberry picking, you can use those with a pouch of NurturMe Organic Power Blends. If you’re trying to survive the summer with kids, you need this easy, healthy popsicle recipe.

If you think kids may not like chunks of fruits, you can always put them in the blender for a few seconds. 

a blender with fruit in it

I’m all about saving time in the kitchen. Instead of pureeing my own fruits and vegetables, it’s a great time saver to start with the NurturMe Organic Power Blends. They come in a variety of different flavors including Pineapple, Banana, Oatmeal and Carrot, Mango, Apple. They are USDA organic and contain no gluten, dairy, soy, or egg.

What You’ll Need:

A popsicle mold
A combination of your favorite fruits. We used blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, and mango
Your favorite Power Blends pouches.

Power Blend Popsicles Beat the Summer Heat

You Can Try:

Mango + Guava + Quinoa
Banana + Pumpkin + Celery
Apple + Pumpkin + Beet
Strawberry + Banana + Amaranth
Pear + Pea + Spinach

a sliced kiwi

What You’ll Do:

Cut your fresh fruits and berries into bite-sized pieces suitable for toddlers. (Tip: get creative with your flavor combinations and layers!) Start with any fruit, like blueberries, and sprinkle a few bite-sized pieces into your popsicle mold. Cover with one of your flavors of Power Blends. Next, drop in another fruit, like mango, and cover with a different flavor of Power Blends. Repeat for 2-3 layers or as many as you like. Freeze 4-6 hours and enjoy!

Thank you to Nurturme for allowing me to share their delicious popsicle recipe. Don’t forget to check out their 100% Quinoa Squares organic puffed crackers for a yummy healthy treat for the kids.