Molang Season One My Best Friend DVD

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 by ellen

Have you heard of Molang before? Molang Season One My Best Friend is now available on DVD.  If you love adorable Korean characters, you’ll know that Molang is a chubby, cute adorable ‘pig rabbit’ that was invented by a university student in South Korea named Yoon Hye Ji. She is based on Korean Sticky Rice which is a sweet rice that is very popular in Korean cooking. 

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Molang Season One My Best Friend DVDMolang Season One

“Join Molang, a round, fluffy, and happy rabbit, and his friend, Piu Piu, a poised, timid, and reserved yellow chick, as they explore everyday life. Molang savors every moment of his life, imbuing it with joy and wonder. He pays attention to the smallest details, giving meaning to even the tiniest things. Molang puts his heart into his actions, and he has a huge heart. Even when he does absolutely nothing, he does it well!

Piu Piu, on the other hand, doesn’t like calling attention to himself. He likes to do things carefully and well. When unexpected situations arise (and Molang s unpredictable behavior often causes such situations to occur!), Piu Piu can become quickly unsettled, even panicked. Despite their many differences, Molang and Piu Piu enjoy a unique friendship.

They have amazing times together ranging from the mundane to the extraordinary. From finding themselves in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean to riding camels in the desert, Molang and Piu Piu experience unexpected situations. Throughout it all though, every single moment with these two is filled with happiness. Embark on 52 unforgettable adventures with Molang and Piu Piu!”

My thoughts:

So, this DVD includes 52 different episodes with a total of over 3 hours of fun Molang programming! Molang and Pie Piu are absolutely adorable. The themes of these shows include happiness, friendship, respect, and unity. If you have a child that loves the traditional Asian cute comics, they’ll definitely enjoy watching Molang Season One My Best Friend.

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