Last Updated on July 16, 2022 by ellen
Want shark crafts for kindergarten and preschool? Check out this fun DIY shark puzzle and make one today for your child.
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I’m a huge fan of Shark Week but it’s definitely not appropriate for children to watch for the most part. We love learning about sharks and ocean life and even enjoy a few scary shark movies like Jaws. But, how can we get the kids in on the Shark Week fun without scaring them? You may want to make this printable fish bookmark craft.
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Shark Crafts for Kindergarten
Shark Week is an annual week-long series of programming that is shown on the Discovery Channel. Intended for adults, it includes documentaries and movies about sharks. Here are some fun shark crafts for kindergarten and preschoolers to enjoy.
Of course, if there are any educational activities in your area about sharks, now is a great time to visit. Check with your local library to see what’s available. Or, you can make these at home. Here are a few craft kids you might want to get.
What are some good crafts for kids?
There are lots of different types of shark crafts for kindergarten and preschool. You don’t want to make the craft too complicated. Or, they may lose interest before the craft is finished. And, you want to make sure that the techniques aren’t too complicated for them to master. In kindergarten, they should have simple cutting skills. But, if they don’t, you can help them with cutting. And, let them do the coloring and gluing parts.
Make sure you scroll to the end for my free DIY shark puzzle.
Shark Week Paper Plate Craft
Check out this fun Shark Week Paper Plate Craft by The Relaxed Homeschool. This is a great craft no matter if it is shark week or you or just studying these amazing creatures. Just grab some simple craft supplies and have fun! Enjoy!
DIY Shark Slime
This DIY Shark Slime by A Night Owl looks like loads of fun! Make sure that you whip up this 3-ingredient DIY Shark Slime that is non-toxic, safe, and easy enough for your kids to make!
Shark Week Unit Study
If you’re homeschooling, take advantage of this free Shark Week Unit Study. There are loads of fun ideas including an ocean-animals matching game and a Montessori shark lesson.
Simple shark craft template
If you prefer shark crafts for kindergarten that let your child have more open-ended options, start with this template. Then, let them take the craft project wherever they want it to go.
Clothespin shark craft
These clothespin puppets are one of my favorite shark crafts for kindergarten. Once you make them, your child can use them to act out their favorite shark programs. Or, make a new program of their own.
Shark crafts for preschoolers
If you want something a little bit easier for a younger child, here are a few suggestions you can try.
Directions for this shark puzzle craft
- Print out this PDF of the puzzle.
- Glue the puzzle onto a heavier piece of cardstock or cardboard.
- Cut the pieces out on the lines.
- Let your child put it together.

Ellen is a mom of a 25-year-old son and 30-year-old daughter. She is Grandma to one adorable toddler. In what little spare time she has, she loves to read, watch movies, and check out the latest toys and games.