Last Updated on May 23, 2020 by ellen
Being a parent is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced but it’s not possible for everyone. If you’ve ever wondered about surrogacy and egg donation, I’m sharing a guest post today that may answer a few questions.
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Surrogacy and Egg Donation
If you’re reading this than you might be having some doubts about surrogacy and egg donations, or maybe you’re looking forward to using this method to have a baby. Here are a few details so you can better understand the topic.
What is surrogacy?
Maternal surrogacy is the term used when a mother offers her own uterus to carry transferred embryos from another couple. This may need to be done for a variety of reasons including fertility problems or ethical-social issues.
What happens when the surrogate mother give birth?
Once the transfer happens, they donors renounce all the rights and obligations they have over the baby. They basically transfer all the responsibility and all rights to the legal parents.
Where did the surrogate gestation begin?
If you’re interested in a surrogate agreement, you will need to find an agency to work with. It’s a very safe process since the egg donor agencies make sure that the candidates go through an in-depth screening process.
Is the surrogate mother genetically linked to the baby?
This depends on the method used for the surrogacy. There are two possibilities.
- The egg from which the baby is born is from the surrogate mother. In that case, the baby would be genetically linked to her.
- The egg from which the baby is born is from the intentional mother that’s not carrying the baby. In this case, the baby wouldn’t be genetically linked to the surrogate mother.
What women can be chosen to be surrogate mothers?
Becoming a surrogate through an agency is not an easy process. In most cases, a woman must have already conceived a child and carried it to term. She must be free of diseases, additions, and major medical problems. Also, several states do not allow surrogacy.
How can you choose the best surrogate mother for your baby?
In order to choose the best surrogate mother for your baby, you must complete a questionnaire and go through a screening process. The process can be time-consuming and challenging to go through. But, it’s very important that you find the best fit.
What role does the surrogate mother play in the surrogacy process?
The surrogate mothers or pregnant women, will not normally have any kind of biological connection with the future child. The surrogate mother is simply the “incubator” that will take care of the baby and give it affection during the 9 months that the pregnancy lasts. In the end, these women provide a wonderful service to families that cannot conceive or carry to term their own pregnancy.

Ellen is a mom of a 25-year-old son and 30-year-old daughter. She is Grandma to one adorable toddler. In what little spare time she has, she loves to read, watch movies, and check out the latest toys and games.