I used to love paper dolls when I was a child. I had a whole folder of them and they had different outfits and accessories. I used to spend hours imagining the adventures they’d go on and what kind of life they would live if they were real. But, what if they really could have […]
The Beauty of the Fall by Rich Marcello
After a big Thanksgiving dinner, the only thing I wanted to do this weekend was curl up on the couch with a good book. Today I decided to read a new author that I wasn’t familiar with. The Beauty of the Fall by Rich Marcello was the book I decided on. The Beauty of the […]
Kids’ Books to Celebrate Thanksgiving
Check out these fun kids’ books to celebrate Thanksgiving. Find my favorite Thanksgiving children’s books for kids of all ages. My Fave Kids’ Books to Celebrate Thanksgiving 1. Who’s Coming for Dinner, Little Hoo? Kids 4-6 will love having Thanksgiving dinner with Little Hoo and his friends! 2. P is for Pilgrim Perfect for kids 5-7, […]
Best Friends by Ronald and Juanita Destra
Some topics are difficult to discuss with children and as a parent, I appreciate when there are books and movies that make the process a little bit easier. Illness, birth defects, and death are topics that are hard for adults to grasp so you can imagine that children struggle with understanding these topics even more. […]
Left Across the Border by Patrice M Foster
Dealing with topics like hate and politics can be difficult for teenagers and discussing them can be even harder. These are topics that we need to talk about with our children but it isn’t always easy. You can read Broken Teen Scars and Tainted by Hate to see my reviews of these books. Left Across […]
Tainted by Hate by Patrice M Foster
Yesterday, I had the chance to review Broken Teen Scars by Patrice Foster. Today, I’m sharing some information about two other books shoe wrote. Both books are part of the same series and deal with similar topics. You can read the original review of Broken Teen Scars to see my thoughts about that book and […]
Devil Out of Texas by Roger Raffee
My husband has always loved western stories and a few years ago, he got me interested in reading them as well. While it’s not a genre that I read a lot of, it is one that I enjoy. This weekend, most of the kids were gone and it gave me a few hours to spend […]
Broken Teen Scars by Patrice M Foster
Being a teenager isn’t easy. Looking back, I realize that it was probably won’t of the most challenging times of my life. I know that both my kids struggled as teenagers too, and I imagine that most people do. I had the chance to read a few books by a new author this weekend. Broken […]
The Little Voice by Joss Sheldon
earn more about The Little Voice by Joss Sheldon. Check out my review of this popular book and learn more about the egot and Yew. The Little Voice by Joss Sheldon I don’t often read books that make me stop and think as much as this book did. I honestly spent about four hours this […]
Embody Your Power by Rebekah Elizabeth Gamble
Recovering from a past relationship isn’t easy. It’s even more challenging when the relationship was unhealthy or damaging to your self-esteem. It can have an enormous impact on how you see yourself and how you handle life’s challenges in the future. During this time, it can be helpful to re-evaluate who you are, but getting […]